WWE Clash At The Castle 2024 Review (June 14th) (Glasgow Scotland)

Match 1 Undisputed WWE Title I Quit Match:Cody Rhodes (c) vs AJ Styles
Cody Rhodes got AJ Styles to ringside and pulls out 2 tables from underneath the ring. Rhodes set up one of the tables on the floor and then sent Styles tumbling over the ring steps. The referee checked with Styles but he did not quit. Rhodes ran Styles over the barricade. Styles climbed onto the barricade and played to the fans before jumping off and punching Styles.Back inside the ring Rhodes put Styles in a figure four. Styles reached the ropes and Rhodes broke the hold.Both men tumbled over the top rope to the floor where Styles dumped Rhodes on the broadcast table. Styles picks up Rhodes and hits a brainbuster on the broadcast table which did not collapse. The referee checked on Rhodes but he did not quit.Styles & Rhodes’ mother Michelle Rhodes bickered. Rhodes’ mom calls Styles an asshole.Cody came up bleeding from the forehead. We got a bleeder Styles yells before rolling Rhodes back inside the ring. Styles worked over Rhodes. The referee checked on Rhodes & he said absolutely not over the mic.Styles took Rhodes back to ringside.Styles set up for a move on the bottom half of the ring steps but Rhodes backdrops him onto the floor. Styles came back and wraps a chair around the neck of Rhodes while both men were back inside the ring. Styles stomped on the chair. The ref checked on Rhodes & he did not quit.Styles pulled out a kendo stick and battered Rhodes with it repeatedly. Styles told Cody to quit.Rhodes replied Hell no over the house mic. Styles whipped Cody with a belt and then struggled to put it around his forehead. Once Styles pulled back on the belt it slips off of Rhodes’ head.Styles pulls out a bag that had handcuffs inside and then cuffed Rhodes’ wrists. Styles bashed Rhodes with the kendo stick again and told him to say the words but Cody once again said no. Styles went to ringside and bickered with Cody’s mother again telling her that he would hurt her son.Michelle slaps Styles 3 times.Styles grabs a chair and approached her then returned to the ring and slammed the chair over Cody’s back twice. Styles wraps a chain around his forearm and set up for Phenomenal Forearm but Rhodes threw a chair at the head of Styles & fell off the ropes and through a table at ringside.Rhodes found the key and unlocked himself.Rhodes hits Styles with Cody Cutter and played to the crowd that erupted in response.Rhodes hits Cross Rhodes. Cody picked up Styles and hit CrossRhodes again.Rhodes places a chair in the middle of the ring and then performed CrossRhodes on top of it. Cody told the referee not yet before he could check on Styles.Rhodes handcuffed Styles to the middle rope and the destroyed him with numerous chair shots.Rhodes slams the chair over the right knee of Styles. The referee checked on Styles & said I Screw you, Cody Rhodes. Rhodes went to ringside and picks one part of the ring steps and tossed them inside the ring. Rhodes returned to the ring and held the ring steps over his head while looking at Styles & he said he quits.Winner & Still Undisputed WWE Champion:Cody Rhodes (27:47) (STILL CHAMPION!!!) Rate:8 (Recommend)

After the match Rhodes looked at his mother while holding the ring steps and then hit Styles with the ring steps. Rhodes stood on top of the ring steps and held up his Undisputed WWE Title.As Rhodes was playing to the crowd near the entrance area Solo Sikoa walks out and smiled. Sikoa was joined by Guerrillas Of Density and they attacked Rhodes. The beatdown didn’t last long as Kevin Owens & Randy Orton ran out to help Rhodes run off The Bloodline.

Match 2 Womens Tag Team Titles Triple Threat Match:Bianca BelAir & Jade Cargill (c) vs The Unholy Union vs Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark
jade Cargill overpowered Zoey Stark & Alba Fyre simultaneously then Cargill got Fyre on her shoulders and then caught Stark diving at her which led to a Samoan Drop/fallaway slam combo.Bianca BelAir tags in and was slammed by Cargill onto Isla Dawn.BelAir & Cargill hits simultaneous vertical suplexes.Stark and Baszler had a run of offense on Dawn which led to Baszler getting a near fall. Dawn came back with a backdrop on Stark and then tags out. Fyre sent Baszler and Stark to the floor then ran up the ropes and hits a senton dive onto them at ringside. Fyre rolls Baszler back inside the ring then hits her with a missile dropkick. Fyre covered Baszler but BelAir broke it up.Baszler set up for a superplex on Dawn as Fyre slips under Baszler & powerbombed her while Baszler superplexed Dawn & she came up holding her elbow. Cargill took a hot tag and stumped while hitting a move from the ropes. Cargill performed a series of spinebusters. Cargill caught Fyre diving from the ropes and then hit Baszler with a big boot while performing a sit out powerbomb.Baszler came right back and caught Cargill in the Kirifuda Clutch. BelAir went up top and hits a 450 splash that resulted in her driving her knees onto the back of Baszler & she released the hold on Cargill. Stark went for a springboard move but BelAir shoved her to the mat. Belair & Cargill hits their DDT/suplex combo on Baszler then Dawn grabs BelAir and suplexed her then pins Baszler for the win.Winners & New Womens Tag Team Champions:The Unholy Union (12:17) (NEW CHAMPIONS!!!) Rate:6

Match 3 Intercontinental Title Match:Sami Zayn (c) vs Chad Gable
Chad Gable powders to the outside and gritted his teeth while telling Otis & Maxxine Dupri to remember what he said.Sami Zayn rolls to the floor while Gable returns to the ring. Zayn looks at Otis and then spoke to him before returning to the ring.Gable wrenched Zayn’s left arm over the top rope. Zayn rallied while continuing to sell the arm by holding it at his side. Zayn clotheslined Gable over the top rope then hits him with a springboard moonsault on the floor.Zayn rolls Gable back inside the ring and then went for a top rope move but Gable caught him with a dropkick that led to a near fall. Zayn came back with a Michinoku Driver for a near fall of his own. Gable took offensive control and hits a top rope headbutt for a near fall. Zayn came back with a series of suplexes for another near fall.Gable caught Zayn in an ankle lock. Zayn eventually rolls out of it and rolled Gable into a pin for a two count. Gable left the ring and grabs the Intercontinental Title off the podium at ringside and left it with Dupri. Gable returns to the ring and chokes Zayn over the middle rope.Gable distracted the referee. Dupri wound up to hit Zayn with the title but she opted against it. Gable yells at Dupri to join him on the apron. Gable told her that he’s sick of her never listening. Zayn went for a Helluva Kick that Gable avoided. Zayn stops short of hitting the move on Dupri and checked on her. Gable hits Chaos Theory on Zayn for a near fall.Gable went to ringside to scold Dupri. Otis got between them and went nose 2 nose with Gable. Zayn dove from the ring and Otis shoved Gable out of the way and took the move himself. Back in the ring Zayn avoided a Gable move and then hit him with an exploder suplex. Zayn went for a Helluva Kick but he sold his ankle while Gable rolls to the floor.Zayn followed and was put in an ankle lock on the floor. Zayn rolls out of the move which sent Gable crashing into the bad leg of Dupri. Otis was pissed. Gable returned to the ring and bickered with the referee hoping Otis would attack Zayn as he was holding his bad ankle at ringside.Otis wound up to hit Zayn but he was distracted by Dupri selling her bad leg. Otis picked up Dupri. Gable yelled at Otis from the ring. Otis carried Dupri to the back. Zayn returned to the ring and hit Gable with a Helluva Kick to score the win.Winner & Still Intercontinental Champion:Sami Zayn (22:13) (STILL CHAMPION!!!) Rate:9 (Recommend)

Cathy Kelley interviewed new Womens Tag Team Champions The Unholy Union in a backstage area. They spoke about winning the Womens Tag Team Titles and having all of Scotland behind them

Match 4 Womens Title Match:Bayley (c) vs Piper Niven
Niven slams Bayley & she rolls to ringside as Chelsea Green.Bayley returns to the ring and avoided a running splash. Green tried to trip Bayley then stomps her hand. Green climbed on the apron and yells at Charles Robinson before he ejected her from ringside.Bayley was on the apron and was pulled into the ropes by Niven then went to the apron. Niven hits a senton off the apron onto Bayley.Back in the ring Bayley threw some punches at Niven before she drops her with a headbutt. Bayley battled back and hit a top rope elbow drop for a two count. Moments later, Bayley caught Niven on the ropes and performed a Bayley 2 Belly.Chelsea Green in a mask ran out and distracted the referee which kept him from making the 3 count. Niven hits Piper Driver for a near fall before Bayley avoided a senton splash.Bayley went for Bayley To Belly but Niven avoided it and hit Bayley with a headbutt. Bayley hooked Niven in crucifix position & hits a Crucifix Driver to get the win.Winner & Still Womens Champion:Bayley (13:32) (STILL CHAMPION!!!!) Rate:7

Main Event World Heavyweight Title Match:Damian Priest (c) vs Drew McIntyre
Match starts off with a lock up and Drew McIntyre tossed Damian Priest to the mat then flexed for the crowd. When Priest got up, McIntyre puts him down with a clothesline. McIntyre hit another clothesline then sends Priest over the top rope with a 3rd. McIntyre hits a flip dive onto Priest. McIntyre regroups and shoved McIntyre into the ring post and then the barricade.McIntyre stood on the apron and works over Priest.Priest caught McIntyre with a kick. Priest went for a springboard move from the middle rope and trips. Priest somehow caught his right leg in between the top and middle rope and hung upside down while McIntyre took shots at him.McIntyre freed Priest’s leg and suplexed him back inside the ring before covering him for a two count.Priest hits Future Shock DDT for a near fall.McIntyre had Priest seated on the top turnbuckle and threw punches at him. McIntyre set up for White Noise but Priest slips out of it and hit Razors Edge that led to a near fall.Both men traded punches in the middle of the ring. Priest threw kicks McIntyre before he eventually ducked one and hits a neckbreaker that left both men down temporarily. McIntyre kips up then shook the ropes before going to the corner for Claymore as Priest rolls to the floor.Priest pulls McIntyre to ringside and was drilled with a Glasgow Kiss. McIntyre hits Priest with Claymore that sent Priest crashing through the barricade and into the timekeepers area. McIntyre drags Priest back inside the ring and set up in the corner for Claymore. McIntyre counts down and charged Priest but he grabs him by the throat and chokeslams him for a near fall.Priest sat McIntyre on the top turnbuckle and threw chops at his chest before climbing onto the middle rope. McIntyre knocks Priest off the ropes. Priest sold his ankle from the earlier rope spot then pulls McIntyre off the ropes with a hurricanrana. Priest sold his ankle again. McIntyre got up and blasted Priest with Claymore for a strong near fall.McIntyre tossed Priest across the ring. McIntyre pushed Priest into the corner. Referee Eddie Orengo rolls to the floor to avoid the wrestlers. When the referee got back on the apron, McIntyre shoved Priest toward the corner, causing Priest hit Eddie Orengo & fell off the apron and crashed into the barricade. Ref bump.Priest stuffs Claymore but then McIntyre connected with one and got a long visual pinfall. A 2nd referee entered the ring, counted to two, and stopped. The 2nd referee was CM Punk. McIntyre got up and pushed Punk into the corner where Punk kicked him in the family jewels. Priest hit the South Of Heaven for the win.Winner & Still World Heavyweight Champion:Damian Priest (20:18) (STILL CHAMPION!!!) Rate:7

Author: wrestlingwithethan


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