TNA Thursday Night Impact Review (June 13th)

Match 1:Mike Santana vs Zachary Wentz
Mike Santana hits a single leg dropkick on in the corner and catches Zachary Wentz with a Death Valley Driver for two. Wentz hits a superkick followed by a double stomp on Santana’s back. Wentz hits a Swanton Bomb off the top rope for two. Santana & Wentz exchange kicks before Wentz hits a headlock DDT. Trey Miguel gets in the ring but Steve Maclin runs in and floors Miguel with a right hand. Santana hits Spin The Block for the win.Winner:Mike Santana

Tom Hannifan has a sit down interview with X Division Champion Mustafa Ali. Ali says he is now walking down the path to greatness and he will make the X Division great again. Tom Hannifan brought up him cheating and Ali says he is inspiring the next generations. Tom Hannifan brings up him bringing the X Division Title into the match and Ali brings up his PWI cover. Ali says he’s looking forward to returning to his hometown of Chicago. Tom Hannifan says he is ducking Mike Bailey & Ali loses his cool before Campaign Singh cuts him off.

The System is backstage and TNA World Tag Team Champion Eddie Edwards says he’s been at the Hardy Compound and bad things happen there.TNA World Champion Moose says he’s not scared of Matt Hardy.Knockouts Tag Team Champion Alisha Edwards says she is not sure about this.Knockouts Tag Team Champion Masha Slamovich walks up to her and speaks in Russian and Alisha says now is not the time. The Hex walks up to Slamovich and says a tag team not getting along would not happen with them. Slamovich speaks in Russian and walks away.

Match 2:Knockouts Tag Team Champion Masha Slamovich vs Marti Belle
Marti Belle whips Masha Slamovich in the corner and hits a running elbow followed by a running hip attack for a two count. Belle runs into the corner but Slamovich gets the boot up and hits a spinning heel kick for two. Belle rolls up Slamovich with her feet on the ropes but Slamovich kicks out. Allysin Kay tries to interfere but Slamovich clears her from the apron. Belle rolls her up with Kay’s help for the win.Winner:Marti Belle

Steph De Lander is backstage with Xia Brookside and Brookside asks her if she’s decided what to do about PCO’s proposition. De Lander says she hasn’t. First Class walks past them and AJ Francis takes her rose. We see PCO behind them.

Gia Miller introduces First Class to the stage. Miller asks about Rich Swann interfering to win the Digital Media Title for AJ Francis and Francis says that’s what friends do. Miller asks about the rose and Francis says he has his own admirers. The lights turn out and when they’re back on PCO shows up. They get into a brawl and the security takes away First Class.

Match 3:Dani Luna vs Tasha Steelz
Tasha Steelz locks a chin lock on Dani Luna and Luna elbows Steelz in the gut. Steelz hits an uppercut in the corner followed by a snapmare but Luna rolls her up for two. Luna hits elbows on Steelz. Steelz & Luna take each other out with dropkicks.Luna takes her down with clotheslines followed by a dropkick. Luna goes for a powerbomb but Steelz rolls her up for two. Luna hits a powerbomb for two. Luna goes for Luna Landing but Steelz rakes her eyes. Steelz rolls her up for two. Steelz hits Sliced Bread for two. Steelz goes for a submission but Dani gets her foot on the ropes. Steelz chops Luna on the ropes. Luna hits Blue Thunder Bomb bouncing her off the ropes for two. Luna goes for Luna Landing but Steelz counters it. Steelz goes for a cutter but Luna reverses it into Luna Landing for the win.Winner:Dani Luna

Gia Miller is backstage with Joe Hendry & Hendry says The System beat him down. Hendry says even he can admit if he can shatter the glass ceiling in TNA, he can learn a thing or two. He brings it Ace Steel who says he believes in Joe Hendry and can destroy the glass ceiling. Frankie Kazarian shows up and says kings are not taught, they’re born. Ace Steel suggests he faces Joe Hendry at Against All Odds and Kazarian agrees to it.

We see The System drive to the Hardy Compound. Eddie says he knows a way from the back.

We see The System walking from the back of the Hardy mansion and Matt Hardy welcomes them from the balcony. Matt Hardy shoots fireworks at The System. Brian Myers finds an action figure in the ground and picks it up. He finds himself at an arcade store and picks up another action figure off the ground. He finds a Matt Hardy action figure. He turns around and sees Matt Hardy but as he gets closer, he sees it is just a cutout. Matt comes out from behind it and does his pose and runs away. We see skeletons and hear commentary about his GFW run and losing streak and a skeleton wearing Edge’s tights spears him and knocks him out.Eddie Edwards is walking in the forest and Hardy’s son asks if he is a werewolf and Eddie says that’s behind him. Eddie sees the full moon and turns into a werewolf.Alisha is walking through the mansion with the piano playing. Alisha walks up to Reby playing the piano. Alisha says her family is a bunch of freaks and their place is a house of horror. Matt’s kid gets angry and blows up stuff in front of Alisha’s face.Moose is walking outside the Compound and Matt’s son tells Moose to follow him. Moose walks into Matt’s home and says Matt is a weird dude. Matt throws him into the wall and knocks him out. Alisha is locked into a guillotine and Reby drops the guillotine on her. Matt Hardy throws him into the Lake of Reincarnation. Moose comes out as a NFL player. Matt says he wants Moose at his best. Moose goes for a spear but Matt hits Twist Of Fate. The System get out of the Hardy Compound and says Matt Hardy is a dead man.

Match 4:Ash By Elegance vs Jaida Stone
Jaida Stone hits a sunset flip for a two count before Ash By Elegance hits a back elbow and Stone hits a kick off the corner and goes to the top rope and goes for a moonsault but Ash gets her knees up and hits a clothesline followed by Rarefied Air for the win.Winner:Ash By Elegance

George Iceman announces Ash as the winner as we see Rosemary watching from the balconies.

A Jonatham Gresham vignette and he says Sami says the jokes on him. He does the thumbs up, thumbs down.

Knockouts Champion Jordynne Grace video package and lists out TNA, WWE, MLW, Stardom and says if they want to take the Knockouts Title then they can face her at Against All Odds.

Main Event Tag Team Match:The Nemeths vs ABC
Chris Bey hits a double stomp on Nic Nemeth. Bey hits a back elbow on Nic. Bey tags to Ace Austin and he chokes Nic with his legs. Nic gets out of it but Austin hits a dropkick and tags to Bey. Nic tries to tag to Ryan Nemeth but Bey picks him up and takes him in his corner and tags to Austin. Nic tries to fight back but is shut down and Austin tags to Bey. They hits a double team flapjack followed by dropkicks for two. Austin gets the tag and he chokes Nic with his legs. Austin tags to Bey & Bey goes for a splash in the corner but Nic avoids it and tags to Ryan. He hits a leaping clothesline and a neckbreaker for two. Ryan tags to Nic and he hits a Fameasser for two. Ryan gets the tag and Bey & Ryan take each other down with a clothesline. Austin & Nic get the tag. Ace hits a side Russian leg sweep followed by a leg drop on Nic. Austin hits a superkick for two. ABC hits a kick and brainbuster combo and a pin which was broken by Ryan. Ryan hits a DDT on Austin & Nic hits a superkick on Bey. Nic rolls up Austin for two. Austin rolls Nic up for two. Austin hits a face stomp for two. ABC go for 1,2 Sweet but Ryan grabs at Austins leg and Nic hits Danger Zone for the win.Winners:The Nemeths

Author: wrestlingwithethan

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