ROH TV Review (June 20th)

Match 1:Titan vs Aaron Solo
Titán hits a quick dropkick and tried for a baseball slide but Aaron Solo avoided and hit Titán with a dive over the top rope then back in the ring Solo hits a chop in the corner. Titán came right back with a clothesline and then a top rope crossbody and a dropkick.Solo went to ringside and Titán followed him out with a suicide dive.Back in the ring Titán got a two count. Solo begs for a timeout then dumps Titán into the turnbuckle. Solo hit a snap suplex and a got a two count for it. Solo locks in a chinlock that Titán got a rope break for. Solo hit a knee drop for a two count.They traded chops and forearms in the middle of the ring until Titán blocked one and hit a series of strikes and kicks and then Solo hit a clothesline.Titán hit a kip up Pele kick for a small double down. Titán went to the top rope for the flying nothing and Solo hit a spin kick for a two count. Solo went to the top rope and hit a double stomp for a two count.Titán avoided a clothesline with a matrix move and hit a clothesline of his own. Solo grabs an inside cradle for a two count.Titán hits another series of kicks and strikes and skinned the cat to the top rope and hits a double stomp for the win.Winner:Titan

Match 2 6 Man Tag Team Match:The Infantry & Serpentico vs Griff Garrison,Anthony Henry & Cole Karter
Serpentico hits an headscissors and tags to Shawn Dean then he tags in Carlie Bravo and they hit an knee drop on Anthony Henry. The Infantry did some double team moves on both Griff Garrison & Cole Karter. Serpentico superkicked Garrison off the apron. Henry snuck in on Bravo but The Infantry hits a combo on him and tags to Serpentico.He went up top for the flying nothing as The Infantry got pulled to the floor. Henry hit a shotgun dropkick and tags to Cole Karter & hits a snap suplex for a quick one count.Serpentico got a school boy for a two count but Karter came right back with a clothesline. Garrison tags in and hits a knee drop for a two count. Henry tags in and chops Serpentico down and locked in a straight jacket choke. Serpentico fired up but got pulled right down into the neck wringer by Henry. Serpentico got a school boy on Henry for a two count but Henry chops him right back down and tags in Garrison. Serpentico got a trap pin for a two count but Garrison came right back with a clothesline. Henry tags in and hit a suplex for a two count then hits a pumphandle backbreaker and locked in a chin lock. Serpentico got a flying headscissors but Henry came right back with a flatliner.Serpentico got the hot tag to Bravo who hit right hands on Garrison & Karter then a neckbreaker on Karter. Bravo hits a kick to the knee and Dean came in with a slingshot clothesline. The Infantry hits Karter with a double team move reminiscent of Magic Killer for a two count. Things broke down and everyone was hitting a big move and it ended when Serpentico hit a swan dive off the top rope onto Henry for a near fall. Serpentico & Henry were left in the ring as Garrison & Karter threw The Infantry into the steps and barricades. Henry & Serpentico did some waistlock switches before Serpentico got a roll up for a two count. Henry feigned an injury and Karter hits Serpentico in the back with a chair. Henry pops up and hits a flipping suplex style move to get the pinWinners:Griff Garrison,Anthony Henry & Cole Karter

A video package aired on the Television Title 2 Out Of 3 Falls match.

Lexy Nair stood on the stage and announced an emergency meeting of MIT and brought out Women’s Television Champion Billie Starkz & Women’s Champion Athena. Athena came out on crutches and had a boot on her foot. Athena was a bit broken up and said this was going to be hard. Athena said she took a bad spill. Athena said she tore some ligaments in her ankle and said it could be 4-6 months before she could wrestle again. Athena said that the Women’s division means the world to her and this isn’t how she wanted her championship reign to end. Athena said it was best for the division, ROH and MIT if she just keeps the title. She fired up and said this isn’t how the reign ends and said she’s going to be champion forever.Queen Aminata & Red Velvet came out and threw some insults and said Athena’s ego is too big and questioned her injury. Aminata said if it isn’t real, she’s going to hurt her for real. Velvet said they have been dodging them for weeks and are injury fakers bringing up Billie Starkz injury fake at the last PPV. Starkz got into the face of Velvet & Velvet pushed her back into Athena & she collapsed in a heap in pain. The docs and refs came out to check on her.

Match 3:Jacoby Watts vs Brandon Cutler
Nick Comoroto hits Brandon Cutler with a headbutt before Cutler hit a chop block as the bell rang. Jacoby Watts fired back with a back body drop. Cutler hit an eye rake before they traded punches in the middle until they traded running forearms.Cutler hit a cutter before Watts reversed a suplex with one of his own.Cutler caught a kick and hit a clothesline and then a Dab elbow drop for a two count.Cutler tried a springboard crossbody but got caught and hit with a slam then hits a stunner to get the win.Winner:Jacoby Watts

Match 4:Marina Shafir vs Maggie Minevera
Marina Shafir hit a straight kick in response to the Code Of Honor attempt.Shafir hit a judo takeover and locked in a headlock before Shafir transitioned with a cartwheel to a different headlock. Shafir threw Maggie Minerva into a corner and kicked the inside of her thighs and then gave her a foot choke. Minerva hit a big boot but Shafir no sold it and hit a powerbomb.Shafir hit another judo throw and transitioned into Mother’s Milk for the submission win.Winner By Submission:Marina Shafir

ROH World Tag Team Champions Undisputed Kingdom were backstage. Mike Bennett said they’ve been doing this since 2014 and complained that they aren’t listed as one of the best tag teams. He complained that Matt Menard & Angelo Parker just asked for a ROH World Tag Team Titles match and got it. Taven asked what 2.0 have done since they got here and called them Melvins. Taven said their success will last forever

Match 5 6 Man Tag Team Match:Iron Savages vs Isaiah Harris,Jay Marston & Eric Eznite
Jacked Jameson took advantage of it to get one free shot and then hits a pumphandle slam. Iron Savages jumped off the middle ropes onto the back of Eric Eznite then Bronson hits a suplex that threw Eznite into the corner so he could tag out.Bronson broke the full Nelson of Isaiah Harris & Harris hit a dropkick.Harris tried a sunset flip but Bronson sat on him. Bronson hit some mounted punches. Boulder tags in and grabs Harris but he slips out and tags in Marston & he ran right into a big boot. Boulder begs the others to come get him and they both jumped at him and he caught them and slammed them both. Boulder grabs Marston & Iron Savages sent him to Titty City. Jameson hits a clothesline and then Boulder went to the top rope and Jameson & Bronson rocket launched him onto Marston for the win.Winners:Iron Savages

Match 6:Lance Archer vs Deonn Rusman
Lance Archer hits Deonn Rusman on his way to the turnbuckle to pose before the bell. Rusman recovered and tried to punch at Archer to no avail. Archer chops Rusman and hit a big boot.Archer hits a ripcord Blackhole Slam and got a two count he was upset about. Rusman got a boot up in the corner on a charge and avoided another one. Archer stomps Rusman out of the air as he charged at him in the corner. Rusman hit a springboard and went over top of Archer. Rusman hits a spear and went to the top rope as Rusman went for a swan dive but missed. Archer hits a chokeslam then sets Rusman on the top rope and hits Blackout for the win.Winner:Lance Archer

Backstage Atlantis Jr challenged the winner of the Television Title match to a match on his home turf in Arena Mexico

Match 7:Leyla Hirsch vs Diamante
Diamante waved off the Code Of Honor so Leyla Hirsch hits an shoulder block. Hirsch hit another shoulder block and Diamante got frustrated. Hirsch swept out the leg and hit a back suplex and a jumping shotgun dropkick for a two count. Hirsch locks in a headlock but Diamante pushed her into a corner. Hirsch blasted Diamante with some forearms in the corner then tried a dropkick but Diamante blocks.Diamante stomped on Hirsch and then hit a gourdbuster for a two count.Hirsch blocked a hip toss but Diamante went right into an abdominal stretch. Hirsch fought out of it and hit a judo throw.Diamante hung Hirsch out to dry on the top rope and got a two count. Diamante locked in a tight waistlock but Hirsch pushed her into the corner to break it. Hirsch hit a kitchen sink knee then a pair of release German suplexes. Hirsch hits a dropkick but Diamante came back with a spear for a two count. Diamante went for her Cross Roads but Hirsch rolls her up with an inside cradle for the win.Winner:Leyla Hirsch

After the match Diamante kicks Hirsch in the face and hits Cross Roads to leave Hirsch lying.

Match 8 ROH World Tag Team Titles Match:Undisputed Kingdom (c) vs Angelo Parker & Matt Menard
Match was taped on June 12th in Des Moines Iowa.Undisputed Kingdom hits some rapid fire moves that ended with Just The Tip for a two count on Angelo Parker. Parker hit a single leg dropkick. Matt Taven cut off the hot tag and Taven hit a neckbreaker. Taven went up top and Parker pushed Mike Bennett into the ropes to crotch Taven. Parker got the hot tag and Matt Menard came in with a bunch of clotheslines.Menard hit Bennett with the 10 punches in the corner before Bennett got his foot up and dove at Menard but Menard caught him in a Boston crab.Taven tried to break it up with some punches but Menard no sold it and Parker clotheslined Taven out of the ring and fell with him as Bennett crawled to the ropes to break the hold. Parker & Menard hit a double snake eyes in the corner and a double DDT on Bennett for a two count. Taven slid a belt into the ring but Parker threw him into the barricade. Menard picked up the ROH World Tag Team Title and was arguing with Rick Knox about it and Bennett got a school boy roll up for the win.Winners & Still ROH World Tag Team Champions:Undisputed Kingdom (STILL CHAMPIONS!!!)

Main Event Television Title 2 Out Of 3 Falls Match:Kyle Fletcher (c) vs Lee Johnson
Match was taped on June 15th in Youngstown Ohio.

1st Fall
Lee Johnson hits a flip dive onto Kyle Fletcher and threw him into the ring. Johnson hits a Blue Thunder Bomb and got a two count for it. Johnson went to the top and Fletcher bailed to ringside but Johnson changed his footing and dove onto Fletcher at ringside. Johnson threw Fletcher into the barricades. Back in the ring Fletcher avoided a running move and hit a hotshot. Fletcher hits a hip attack that threw Johnson to ringside. Fletcher threw Johnson into the barricades.Fletcher hit a back suplex onto the ring apron before Fletcher hits a face kick to Johnson while Johnson was on the floor and Fletcher was on the apron. Back in the ring Fletcher chops Johnson while he jawed at the crowd so the crowd asked for another chop and Fletcher wound up for it and just hit a snapmare instead. Johnson fired back with some chops and blocked a suplex attempt but Fletcher just clubbed him on the back. Johnson flips out of a suplex attempt and hit a dropkick out of a pop up for a double down. Johnson hits a standing enzuigiri and a neckbreaker for a two count. Johnson went for Big Shot Drop but Fletcher rolls out and hits a half dragon suplex.Fletcher hits a big boot in the corner but Johnson rolled him up for a two count. Johnson hits a pair of superkicks, a DVD and a standing moonsault for a two count.Johnson went to the top rope but Fletcher cut him off and Johnson did the flying nothing and Fletcher hit a Michinoku Driver for a two count. Johnson came back with a rolling forearm and Fletcher answered in kind. Both men fell to ringsideJohnson hit an Asai moonsault then back on the apron Fletcher hit a superkick and a brainbuster on the apron. Fletcher hits Last Ride for a a two count before Fletcher hit a leg lariat to the back of the head but Johnson rolled him up for a two count. After some finisher reversals Fletcher lawn darted Johnson into the turnbuckle & hits a big kick & brainbuster for a two count. Fletcher hits Grindstone Piledriver to get the 1st Fall.Winner:Kyle Fletcher (1-0)

2nd Fall
Johnson was still trying to get back to his feet and Fletcher hit a straight kick to the chest. Johnson fired up and Fletcher hits another kick. Fletcher hit a superkick to the jaw and hung out in the corner as the ref checked on Johnson. Doc Samson came into the ring and checks on Johnson too.Fletcher finally picked Johnson up to his feet and put him on the top rope. Fletcher tried the brainbuster on the top rope but Johnson slid out overtop and drops Fletcher on the turnbuckle. Johnson hits 2 clotheslines but Fletcher hit one of his own.Johnson pushed Fletcher into the turnbuckle and got a rollup to win the 2nd Fall.Winner:Lee Johnson (1-1)

3rd Fall
Both men exchanged strikes in the middle of the ring until Fletcher hit a forearm. Fletcher tried a powerbomb but Johnson rolled him up for a two count. Johnson went up top but Fletcher cut him off.Johnson fought off Fletcher and hit a jumping destroyer but Fletcher rolls out of the ring. Johnson hits a sunset bomb flip dive to the outside.Johnson rolls into the ring and the ref started counting & Fletcher ran into the ring at 19 right into some superkicks. Johnson hit a top rope crossbody and then a top rope frog splash and then another top rope frog splash for a two count. Johnson stood up and fired up and the ref stops Johnson from picking up Fletcher. Fletcher pushed Johnson into the ref and hit a low blow then put Johnson on the top rope and hits a brainbuster on the top turnbuckle for the win.Winner & Still Television Champion:Kyle Fletcher (2-1) (STILL CHAMPION!!!) (Recommend)

Author: wrestlingwithethan

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