WWE Main Event Review (June 13th)

Match 1:Bronson Reed vs Akira Tozawa
Akira Tozawa starts fast as he uses his speed but he gets caught in the corner and Bronson Reed tosses him across the ring. Headbutt from Reed.He tries a suplex but Tozawa knees him in the head. Reed powers through it though and finishes the suplex. Reed misses a charge in the corner and goes face first into the middle buckle. Tozawa misses a head kick but lands on his feet avoiding a suplex. DDT from Tozawa gets one. Superkick followed by the spin kick. Tozawa rips the shirt.Reed tosses him in the air for a Death Valley Driver follow Tsunami for the win.Winner:Bronson Reed

Main Event Tag Team Match:New Catch Republic vs Creed Brothers
Pete Dunne & Brutus Creed start us out & Brutus tries to over power Dunne but he gets slugged down and we get small joint manipulation. Tag to Tyler Bate & he comes off the middle rope and clips Dunne’s shoulder so he can flip forward for a senton.Brutus rips Bates head off with a clothesline and holds him up for a vertical suplex. Blind tag to Julius Creed & Bate gets passed off while still in vertical suplex position. Julius finishes the suplex. Both teams in the ring and New Catch Republic clears the ring. Suicide dive from Bate and a moonsault to the floor from Dunne as we go to a break.After the break Dunne trying to stomp the fingers of Julius, but he avoids and gets an overhead belly 2 belly suplex. Tag to Brutus and he lands a few knees and tag back to Julius. Brutus tosses him onto Dunne for a two count. Julius hooks a bear hug as the crowd rallies Dunne. Ear manipulation as Dunne twists the ear to break.Dunne fights out but a short arm clothesline snuffs that rally. Back to the bear hug so Dunne goes to the eyes and then a headbutt. Release German suplex leaves both men down. Each man makes the tag but Bate controls. Head scissors to Julius. Bate off the middle rope with an elbow to Julius. Brutus eats a right hand and a springboard forearm for two as Julius makes the save. Bate in and more finger breaking. Dunne & Julius both end up on the floor. Discus clothesline gets two from Bate.Airplane spin. Tag to Dunne for double finger stomp and then head kick. Bate gets low bridged by Creed which leaves Dunne alone. Brutus backdrops out of a suplex attempt and Dunne lands on his knee. That is enough on an opening for Brutus to hit Brutus Ball for the win.Winners:Creed Brothers

Author: wrestlingwithethan


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