NXT Review (June 11th) (Orlando Florida)

Kicking off this weeks NXT with a recap of Battleground.

Womens North American Champion Kelani Jordan says she’s won many championships in gymnastics but says nothing compares to being the 1st Womens North American Title. She says the Fatal 6 Way Ladder Match was a battle and says as the 1st Womens North American Champion, it’s up to her to bring prestige to the title. She says no one can do it like her.Jaida Parker’s music hits and she makes her way down to the ring. She says the only thing Jordan proved is she could climb a ladder quickly and says when she beats Michin, the only thing Jordan will be hearing is and new.Michin then blindsides Parker from behind.

Match 1:Michin vs Jaida Parker
Michin fires off right hands on Jaida Parker. Parker returns the favor but Michin rains down more right hands on Parker. Parker fires off shoulders on Michin in the corner then hits a bodyslam to her. Michin responds with a kick and a chop to Parker then fires off headbutts on her and lands a cannonball in the corner. She goes for a pin but Parker kicks out. Michin hits a German suplex to Parker then looks to land a cannonball on Parker on the corner. Parker moves out of the way, and Michin is sent crashing into the ring post shoulder first. Parker drapes Michin across the middle turnbuckle then hits a modified hip attack as we go to a break.After the break Parker hits a pair of shoulder tackles of Michin and follows it up with a codebreaker to her arm. She then hits another shoulder tackle and wears down Michin with a submission. Michin hits a hurricanrana to Parker then hits her with a clothesline and a superkick. Michin lands a tornado DDT on Parker then sets up for Eat Defeat. Parker avoids it and sends Michin crashing into the mat face first then hits a hip attack that sends her crashing to the outside.Good Brothers appear at ringside to support Michin & Parker gets Michin back in the ring. She pins her but Michin kicks out. Parker grabs a chair from under the ring and looks to use it on Michin but Karl Anderson grabs the chair from her as Luke Gallows distracts the referee. Michin takes advantage and rolls up Parker for the win.Winner:Michin

After the break we head over to the Chase U classroom where Duke Hudson & Riley Osborne are arguing with Ridge Holland over him aligning himself with them as Andre Chase stands by. Thea Hail walks in and calms everyone down then says Osborne,Hudson & Chase have all made mistakes. She tells them they all need to get on the same page.

Match 2 6 Man Tag Team Match:Gallus vs New Catch Republic & Wes Lee
Wolfgang & Tyler Bate lock up. Wolfgang lands an uppercut on Bate then tags in Mark. They go back & forth and Bate hits an arm drag to Mark.Pete Dunne tags in and hits a double stomp off the top rope to Mark Coffey’s arm then snaps Mark’s fingers. He wears Mark with a calf submission then lands a boot on the side of his face. Joe Coffey gets in the ring, but Dunne hits him with an enzuigiri and tags in Wes Lee.Lee tags out to Bate then hits a stomp on Mark’s fingers with Bate before they both hit a double kick to his head.Bate hits an airplane spine to Mark as Dunne & Lee level Joe & Wolfgang on the outside as we go to a break.After the break Bate rolls up Joe but Joe kicks out. Joe hits a backbreaker to Bate then tags in Wolfgang. Wolfgang hits Bate with a variation of a senton and goes for a pin but Dunne breaks the fall. Mark tags in, and Bate hits him with a rebound clothesline. Joe tags in and prevents Bate from tagging out to Dunne, then charges at Bate in the corner. Bate lands a boot on Joe then tags in Lee.Lee hits an enzuigiri to Wolfgang and a hurricanrana to Mark then hits Wolfgang with a tornado DDT and hits a poisonrana to Joe. He goes for a pin but Mark breaks the fall. Dunne lands a strike on Mark but Mark dumps Dunne on the apron. Dunne snaps Mark’s fingers and Bate hits him with a strike. Dunne flies off the apron to level Wolfgang & Mark on the outside.Lee hits a Meteora to Joe back in the ring then ascends to the top rope and flies to level everyone on the outside. He looks to fly off the top rope but Joe catches him with a clothesline to get the win.Winners:Gallus

We then head backstage where Jaida Parker vents her frustrations about losing to Michin to Bronco Nima & Lucien Price.

Malik Blade & Edris Enofe spoke with Brinley Reece ahead of her match telling her to be careful with Wendy Choo because she was recently acting weird.

After the break we head over to a video of Sol Ruca preparing for the Fatal 6 Way Ladder Match to crown the inaugural Womens North American Champion this past weekend.

Match 3:Wendy Choo vs Brinley Reece
Wendy Choo wastes no time going after Brinley Reece as she fires off right hands on her then hits an elbow drop and creepily smiles and stares down Reece. Reece lands a forearm on Choo but Choo turns around and hits a headbutt to her. She follows it up with a low flatliner and goes for a pin but Reece kicks out. Reece lands a bodyslam but Choo catches Reece with a clothesline and locks in a Body Scissors & Reece taps out.Winner By Submission:Wendy Choo

Byron Saxton interviewed Womens Champion Roxanne Perez in the parking lot where she bragged about beating the most dominant woman in wrestling and promised to provide an address of the Womens Division tonight. Robert Stone met with Perez and asked her what would be said on the segment but Perez said that he & Ava would have to wait for her statements later.

Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes says it’s magical in the Performance center, and says it’s well known that there’s a certain magic when it comes to NXT. He then promotes Clash At The Castle and his I Quit Match against AJ Styles for the Undisputed WWE Title.NXT Champion Trick Williams’ music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Williams calls for fans to make some noise for Rhodes then says he feels like he and Rhodes have had similar journeys. He says he and Rhodes are both top champions but they both had to climb huge mountains to get to where they are today. He says now that they’re both on the other side of the mountain they got what they were both chasing and have targets on their backs. He asks Rhodes how he deals with going from being the hunter to the hunted.Rhodes tells Williams that all of their peers are judging them and thinking they could be better champions. He says even though he & Williams have conquered mountains there’s always another mountain to climb. He then tells Williams that Ava has granted him the opportunity to tell him how his next challenger for the NXT Title will be determined and reveals it will be in a 25 Man Battle Royal. He says Williams may know some of them but some may be from other locker rooms.Rhodes looks to leave but Williams stops him and asks Rhodes if he’ll be coming to the cookout. Rhodes says he will be and they hug one another in the center of the ring.

Backstage Sara Schreiber interviewed Dante Chen where Chen said he would end his feud with Lexis King tonight and on his terms.

After the break Carlee Bright spoke with people from the women’s locker room before Wendy Choo appeared and stared daggers at Bright.

Match 4 Singapore Cane Match:Lexis King vs Dante Chen
Dante Chen cracks a Singapore Cane across Lexis King’s spine a couple of times. Chen continues going after King and hits a back body drop before they take turns hitting one another with Singapore Canes. King hits a superkick to Chen then fires off right hands on him and cracks a Singapore Cane across Chen. He then bodyslams Chen onto a pile of Singapore Canes and cracks one across him then grabs a 2nd one after the 1st one breaks. He hits Chen with it and uses his foot to jam it into Chen in the corner.Chen fires off right hands on King and tries grabbing the Singapore Cane from him but King prevents him from doing so and hits Chen with it once again. He then uses it to lock in a submission on Chen. King clocks Chen from behind using the Singapore Cane and goes for a pin but Chen kicks out. King then hits Chen repeatedly with a Singapore Cane then drapes it across the middle turnbuckle. Chen sends King crashing into the Singapore Cane in the corner then hits King with a Singapore Cane repeatedly until it breaks. He grabs a 2nd one and continues cracking it across King, then goes for a pin. King kicks out and Chen uses a Singapore Cane to deliver a monkey flip. he sends King crashing to the outside then grabs a Singapore Cane and hits a tope suicida to King using it. He grabs another Singapore Cane and hits King with it multiple times but King uses a Singapore Cane of his own to low blow Chen. He grabs his specter and hits Chen with it twice then lands The Coronation using it for the win.Winner:Lexis King

We then head backstage to Jacy Jayne & Jazmyn Nyx & they encounter Cody Rhodes. Rhodes gives Jayne his nose guard from his days of being undashing to wear in place of the current one she has.

There was a video package of Eddy Thorpe ahead of his return 

After the break we see Michin emerge from Ava’s office and tells Good Brothers that after their win tonight, she’s secured a Womens North American Title match against Kelani Jordan next week.

Brooks Jensen scared off Vic Joseph on the commentary table before Booker T demanded someone to get security.

Match 5:Eddy Thorpe vs Tavion Heights
Match starts off with a lock up then they take turns locking in submission holds on one another before Eddy Thorpe hits a crossbody to Tavion Heights and turns him inside out. He fires off kicks on Heights in the corner, then connects with a back suplex. Heights lands a belly 2 belly throw then whips Thorpe into the corner and fires off forearms on him. Heights gets Thorpe up on his shoulder but Thorpe tries escaping. Heights hangs onto Thorpe and sends him crashing into the mat face first then hits a t bone suplex to him.Thorpe fires off knees on Heights’ head then lands a couple of elbows and chops before connecting with a pair of back elbows and an uppercut. He lands a kick on Heights then hits a German suplex and his signature elbow drop. He then sends Heights crashing into the mat with an elevated DDT for the win.Winner:Eddy Thorpe

We then head backstage and see No Quarter Catch Crew had been watching the match from backstage. Charlie Dempsey tells Myles Borne to bring Heights to him but Borne & Damon Kemp voice their hesitance with the idea of adding a new member to No Quarter Catch Crew. Dempsey reminds Kemp that he lost his Heritage Cup match against Tony D’Angelo last week and tells Borne once again to get Heights. Borne then goes off searching for Heights.

Stevie Turner told Ava & Robert Stone that Roxanne Perez intended to call Ava out for an apology tonight to which Ava responded by saying that it was a good thing Perez was not paid for thinking.

Main Event:Je Von Evans vs Shawn Spears
Shawn Spears wastes no time as he fires off right hands on Je Von Evans then lands a chop on him and hits a Thesz Press. Evans hits a hurricanrana to Spears then hits a chop to him in the corner and sends him crashing into the top turnbuckle face first. Spears hits a chop on Evans then fires off right hands on Spears in the corner. Spears fires off shoulders on Evans’ midsection then connects with a chop and follows it up with a dropkick. Evans then hits a dropkick to Spears on the outside through the ropes and hits a kick to his face as we go to a break.After the break Spears locks in a Half Boston Crab on Evans. Evans makes his way to the bottom rope to break the hold and Spears hits a chop to Evans. Evans lands a roundhouse kick on Spears’ head then lands a variation of a Blue Thunder Bomb. Evans lands a knee on Spears but Spears rocks Evans with a superkick on Evans and follows it up with a hanging DDT off the top rope.Evans rolls up Spears but Spears kicks out. Evans then lands a cutter off the top rope but Spears rolls out of the ring before Evans can pin him. Evans then hits a tope suicida to Spears then flies off the barricade to level him. Evans then looks to fly off the ropes but Spears moves out of the way and Evans is sent crashing into the announce desk ribs first. Spears then gets Evans in the ring and hits C4 for the win.Winner:Shawn Spears

NXT Tag Team Champions Nathan Frazer & Axiom were hanging out with New Catch Republic before The D’Angelo Family appeared. As Heritage Cup Champion Tony D’Angelo was speaking with New Catch Republic & Axiom, Frazer looked directly at the Heritage Cup before D’Angelo said they would teach them a lesson. Frazer said he would pull double duty.

Cody Rhodes spoke with Shawn Spears but was interrupted by both Ethan Page & Lexis King respectively. Rhodes then said they are where they belong.

Womens Champion Roxanne Perez came to the ring to call out Ava for an apology. Ava appeared but they were interrupted by Jacy Jayne & Jasmyn Nyxx & they said they were why people tuned in to the show. Meta 4’s Lash Legend & Jakara Jackson then interrupted but they were stopped by Lola Vice & She said that it was a matter of time until the Women’s Title was hers. This ended in a brawl where Jayne & Nyx were laid out before Vice & Perez tossed Jackson & Legend out of the ring. Vice & Perez stood tall to close out this week’s NXT.

Author: wrestlingwithethan


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